The Masseria is not just about the sea and the beautiful countryside.
It is a strategic base for many different excursions, visiting the historical and naturalistic beauties of
Basilicata, also called Lucania.
Many traditional festivals, feasts and sights contribute to make the whole area extremely
welcoming and inviting.
Among them, there are the temples of Hera and Apollo Licio,
the national museum of the Metaponto and Sirtide and the
archaeological park of Policoro.
The "Sassi e chiese rupestri di Matera" (Stones and ancient churches of Matera) together
with many entrenched prehistoric villages, and the Federician castles make the atmosphere even more magical.
The romanic churches and the typical "lammie" and "calanchi" create
a breathtaking scenario that can also be found in the National Park of Pollino.